
Kids love this after school time of free play with their friends,  large group game, a Christian story book time, and then small group breakout time where they work on a memory verse, or do a craft, or other project to help them learn that weeks Bible verse.  Then they get dinner!  Invite your friends!  All kids participating must have a Consent Form filled out as well as BLAST sign up form.  Both are below.

Fall 2024 Dates
September 25, 2024    4-6pm
October 16, 2024.  4-6pm
November 13, 2024   4-6pm
December 11, 2024    4-6pm

Blast Sign Up Form

Blast dates are September 25, October 16, November 13, and December 11, 2024.  Sign your kids up once per calendar year for BLAST.

Parent Info

The form below must be filled out once for every child in children's ministry.  You do not need to fill this out again if you have already once.  

Parent/Guardian of a Minor Consent-Waiver-Registration Form

Parent/Guardian  #1 Information
Emergency Contact  (other than parent/guardian 1 or 2)

I, being the parent or legal guardian of the above-named child, for myself and any other parent or guardian of the above-named child, hereby expressly give consent for my child to travel to, attend and participate in the activities, events, games and trips which are sponsored or attended by Parkway Community Church (hereinafter, "the church").  In granting my permission, I understand that the church, it's employees, leaders, trainees, interns and/or volunteers will be endeavoring to supervise many other children in addition to my own.  I understand and accept that the travel to and from such events, the interactions between the children, the activities likely to be engaged in, and the food consumed, have the potential for injury, harm or even death to occur to my child.  Nevertheless, I hereby agree to waive any and all claims of any nature or kind against the church, it's employees, leaders, trainees, interns and/or volunteers, and to release and hold them harmless from and against any and all such claims, whether such claims be for injury, death, damage, loss, disease, emotional distress, financial loss, or any other harm caused or suffered by my child, including harm related to the special needs and/or concerns identified above, and to do so regardless of any alleged negligence or fault of the church, it's employees, leaders, trainees, interns, and/or volunteers.  I understand that this waiver and release is intended to be interpreted as broadly as is possible under California law.
By signing below, as the parent or legal guardian, having legal custody and/or control of the above-named child, I hereby give permission and consent for a licensed doctor, physician, or emergency responder or treatment center, selected or agreed to by the person in charge of any Parkway Community Church (hereinafter, “the Church”) event or activity, to administer the necessary attention and aid immediately to our child should he/she become injured, sick or in need of medical attention at a church event and to do so without having to wait until I or my designated emergency contact have been contacted or have given specific consent  beyond the consent provided herein.   I understand that the church will endeavor to reach me/us should the nature of the injury or illness warrant it.  Nevertheless, I consent to exams that include physical touching, hospital care, imaging (including x-rays, CT scans and MRIs), administering of anesthetic, sutures, and even surgery if necessary to save life or limb. I understand that I will be held liable for any and all expenses associated with the treatment and care provided to and received by my child, and that the church does not carry health insurance for, and will not cover the cost of,  my child’s medical or emergency needs.  The undersigned agrees to hold harmless the church, it’s employees, leaders, trainees, interns and/or volunteers from and against any negligence or wrongdoing in connection with any medical treatment or care given to my child, and waives all claims as against the church, it’s employees, leaders, trainees, interns and/or volunteers in connection with such care or treatment.

By signing below, I agree to pay any expense including the cost of my son/daughter being sent home if discipline is deemed necessary.  I further understand that in the interests of providing necessary accountability to my child, the ministry leader may teach my child's belongings if there is reasonable suspicsion that any prohibited items have been brought by my child.  I also understand that the ministry leader will always act in the best interest of any student by handling any search quietly and discretely with at least one other volunteer staff present.  Should any prohibited items be found the ministry leader will, after conferring with an elder or pastor, make a decision regarding the best course of action for the emotional and spiritual growth of my child and the other students present.  
By signing below, I hereby give Parkway Community Church the right to record photographs and video footage of my child(ran) and to use, re-use, publish and re-publish in whole, or in part for any purpose, including, but not limited to illustration, training or promotion.  I hereby release and discharge Parkway Community Church from any and all claims, and demands arising out of or in conjunction with the use of the images.  (Strike out this paragraph and initial if not authorized.)

Optional Section